The time you searched for a scholar and the day you chose me as one of it is still fresh in my
mind, as fresh like a flower that blooms in the morning, it seems like that moment happened only
yesterday. But now,

Here I am at the last part of my college journey, waiting for some months before I receive the
fruit of hard work we made together. The triumph that is not only for me and the success that I
can't reach without you.

All of the blessings happened in my college journey would not be possible without our
Almighty God and without you Gapasca family. Thank you!

No words can define how thankful I am and how blessed I am to have you as my family, you
accepted me not only as a scholar but as your own child, you build me with so many lessons and
memories that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. And, I,

Know that a "thank you" is not enough for all the things you've made not only for me but for all
of us. I hope the time I step on the stage and receive my diploma can make you all happy, I know
the things I made is not enough to repay all of what you've done but the success waiting after this
final stage, this final battle the most awaited part yet most challenging one is all for you.

You're such a blessing that makes every impossible be possible, you're not only a helping hand,
you're a light for those people who can't see the better side for, because of all of you we can see the right
way to success. That's why, I,

Owe all of you a lot, since the day I met you (Gapasca) my life/our life became better, I grew up
with so much love coming from you, I've earned a lot of memories with you that made me a
much better person with good mind and heart.

Unconditional love and support, understanding, unending care and sacrifices and so on. Thank
you so much for that.

THANK YOU for everything Gapasca family! May your tribe increase! God bless po and Happy New Year!

Angel V. Velayo
General de Jesus College
Bachelor of Secondary Education

January 10, 2019

I, Yusela Kris Aquino, wish to reapply on Gapan City Association of Southern California Scholarship Program. I am 17 years old, a proud scholar of GAPASCA and currently am studying at Central Luzon State University.

The first semester of my first year in CLSU has been fruitful and blessed so far, and it is made possible by GAPASCA. If it wasn’t from you, I never would have studied in a fine university and never would have chosen the course that my heart wants. If I was not your scholar, I maybe just in our house doing household chores all day, insecure to the ones who were able to study and fill their minds with high knowledge. But, I am a scholar of you kind- hearted people who helps their fellow citizens attain their goals, and I am very thankful for that.

I wish to reapply to the Scholarship Program because want to continue striving for my dream of being a doctor. I also would like to discover more things associated with life and I want to get to know myself and my abilities more. BS Biology wasn’t that easy but I was able to prove that I can do it and I can make it. I got high ratings on basic Cell Biology, Botany, and Anatomy. When I verified my grades in Biology Laboratory, my Instructor said, “Ikaw pa talaga ang nag-verify, Yusela?” and it is the same reaction I got from my Biology Lecture Instructor. I also have a circle of friends who are so kind, fun and are humorous; I wish to be with them again next semester. They made Biology fun, after all.

 Living in a dormitory was quite hard in the beginning because I didn’t know the people and their languages are different but as the time passed by, Ladies Dorm No. 6 has become my second home. The activities are fun and the people are nice. I even composed a Christmas Jingle about our experiences in the dormitory and our team performed it and won first prize. Living far from my family was hard, I have to budget the money my mother and relatives are giving me for the transportation, allowance, food and additional emergency expenses. Sometimes, I had to eat the same viand for the whole day just to save some money. Thrift, thrift, thrift—just like what Dr. Jose Rizal said. I knew myself more and discovered the abilities that I didn’t know I have. I want to continue living there and discovering my capabilities.

 As for my family, they are really proud that there is someone from us studying in a fine university. When other relatives and other people asked where I am, my mother or my siblings would say I am studying at Central Luzon State University in the Science City of Muñoz and I am living in a dormitory inside the university. Those people would be awed and would ask how my mother afforded having a daughter studying in such a university and living afar and my mother would say that I am a scholar of the Gapan City Association of Southern California, they become even more awed. My father would have been proud if he was still here. All those happen because of you.

 All these experiences never would have been possible if you weren’t there to support me and my fellow scholars. I never would have started the path towards my dream if you’re not there. My family would never have been proud if I wasn’t studying, but I am studying because of you. Words are not enough to express how thankful I am that you exist. I pray to the good Lord to continue blessing you. As for me, I wish to continue the list of experiences I have. I wish to succeed with your help. I wish to continue the journey to achieving my dream with you. So here I am, applying for the scholarship program continuation, and hoping for you to accept me again.


Yusela Kris Aquino


There's a saying that once a person has been attached to someone, it creates and leaves great memories. We are not family by one blood, but we are family by hearts.

Things changed, time passed by. It's been two years sharing fruitful memories with each other. At this moment, "Thank you" is always the tag line of your GAPASCA babies. You are all my mommies and daddies even though I don't have my biological parents.

We are not saying "I love you" in our email, but the way you send messages, it makes me realize the love between the words. The long messages were just simple reminders, but for me it's "Hello! How are you my dear?" and it is what you call love. It is not all about the grades, it is also the discipline that matters. It is like building a concept to us, that we are not just your typical scholars here, but we are now your real siblings.

It takes a year to be with you, to hug you, to see your smile in personal. But I know we will all be complete on our graduation day. You are all smiling, crying that "these scholars, gave us panic problems and worries but now they all have their togas and diplomas." I still can't believe that I am a part of this generous organization. I am here because of you. Without you, I don't know what I would become in the next five years. Thank you, I promise that I will stay until the end.

I'm gaining your trust, loyalty and all. To continue supporting us is not only about the enrollment fees, it is also about your patience, your guidance and courage to remind us to continue our hard work. I am imagining now, two years, four semesters to come, I will wear my own wardrobe and toga, at the stage smiling at all of you. Tears and smiles are "thank yous." I will stay. We are family here. You once built me, polished me and guided me. Your guidance and advice help me to be strong. You are all my faces and strengths. You will be one of my witnesses while achieving my goals. Thank you for staying. I love you all. God bless.

Yours truly, 

Marry Joy M. Calpito
Taking BS Development Communicator
Central Luzon State University
Dean’s Lister
Dream to be a Lawyer

February 28, 2017

Open Letters From Scholars

​​​Down to our last stop, we are soon waving goodbye to this rollercoaster adventure of emotions and events called college. I thank you all for making it happen.

I still remember the first day I entered the university. Although shaking because of first day jitters, I am full of courage and hope. I have this opportunity to change my life and be a role model to the younger generations. I will not let my fear to get in my way of making things possible.
However, life is sure tough. Not all people in this world have the privilege to go to school. Chances and opportunities come once in a blood moon. And I, luckily, happen to witness one.

Four years ago, angels came from the other side of the world and brought miracle to my life. GAPASCA made my life complete. It taught me several things that school and college missed.

 Looking back, I was just a person with dreams changing the world determined to do whatever it takes to show everyone that I will not fail. I did not care whether I would get in to the way of other people. I just want myself to be satisfied. My thirst for success is surefire addicting. It was my mantra to quench this thirst no matter what happen, at no reservations and holding back.

If you will think of it, this philosophy is good for it will bring satisfaction to oneself. However, bars are getting higher every single time. My own meaning of success burnt me out. My life became toxic. It came to the point where it affected my mental health so much and had several suicide thoughts. But GAPASCA helped me to gradually erase these mingling thoughts in my head. Through their programs, I saw that success does not necessarily mean that you are on top of everyone else. Success is not always being the best among the best. It is not success unless you are happy.

GAPASCA made a mark in my life. I achieved success when I received simple smiles from the children receiving their health checkup. I attained success when an elderly touched my hand and said, “Thank you, apo. Pagpalain kayo ng Diyos.” as they received groceries and certificates from your helping hand. The vanishing fire inside me suddenly grew bigger. Then I realized that success really depend on someone’s perspective and I developed my own through GAPASCA. I realized that success is something that will not only bring me satisfaction but something that will also make my soul happy. It is something that I never learned in the four corners of the classroom where toxic competition and chaotic events usually happens.

GAPASCA opened my eyes and showed me a livelier perspective in life. GAPASCA did not only helped me sustaining my college education and securing my bright future. It also touched my lonely soul being poisoned by wrong perspective.

We are now approaching the next stage to walk in. The college graduation. I will always remember this life lessons and learnings with me until the end of time. I want you to part of it because you are the reason why I accomplished so many things in my lifetime.

Maraming maraming salamat, GAPASCA!

From Liliane M. Suarez, 
Proud GAPASCA Scholar

 January 26, 2019

I am here writing this message to show my gratitude and sincerest appreciation for everything you’ve done not just to us, scholars, but also to our fellow in the beloved City Of Gapan. I am also expressing my will and want to still continue being part of the GAPASCA Family.

At this moment, I’m past-halfway point of my third year college life, the most stressful one I’ve ever experienced for the last years of my college as a BSA student. First semester? Yes it’s really a tough one, seven departmental examination, week-long exams, sleepless nights, and brunch-eating for almost the whole semester. But I’m thankful I managed to survive those waves of challenges and still maintained my President’s Lister status. Thanks God!

Of course, these difficulties are not the whole story; my first semester was also filled with joy especially with the search for new scholars during the Scholarship Fair event of the GAPASCA. We, the GAPASCA Scholars Batch 2019 also got together happily as we practiced an intermission number for the Adopt-A-Grandparent Awarding Ceremony. The event was heartwarming and blessed as can be seen in the smiles and eyes of the elderly ones.

Aside from the financial assistance being given by the GAPASCA, the joy, the bond, the caring, the sharing, the love and the culture of family environment they provide are the special things I find unique from the Association. I’m very grateful to be a part of this family and wishing to be a part of it for many more years to come.

Harold John E. Marcelo
GAPASCA Scholar Batch 2019
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

January 2, 2018

November 24, 2023

Gratitude and Appreciation: Reflecting on Achievements and Expressing Gratitude to the GAPASCA

Dear Esteemed GAPASCA Family:

With heartfelt gratitude and a deep sense of appreciation, I humbly recount the remarkable milestones that your unwavering support has allowed me to achieve.

It was through your generosity and guidance that I successfully completed my college education in 2019, despite the challenges that life presented. In 2020, I was poised to take the CPA Licensure Examination, a step that was unfortunately thwarted by the unforeseen circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic.

During this time, I ventured into the realm of education, serving as a College Instructor at the esteemed AMA Computer College. Simultaneously, I embraced the opportunity to contribute further to academia, joining the faculty at Gapan City College. Here, I was honored to be appointed as the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Department Head for Political Science, a role that allowed me to share my passion for education and inspire young minds.

In that same transformative year of 2020, I embarked on a new academic pursuit by entering law school. Amidst numerous offers from prestigious law schools in Metro Manila, I made the conscious choice to enroll at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines - College of Law, driven by a desire for excellence and a commitment to learning.

Balancing the rigors of legal studies with my responsibilities as a College Instructor was a challenge I eagerly embraced. Despite the demands, I am honored to have consistently achieved a place on the Dean's List, a testament to my dedication and your unwavering support.

However, my most significant achievement arose through my involvement as the Executive Director of the PUP Legal Aid Clinic (LACP). Situated at RW-1, Ninoy Aquino Learning Center, PUP College of Law, the LACP stands as a beacon of hope, offering free legal assistance to indigent litigants, visiting jails, and providing essential legal services to those in need. This role has been the pinnacle of my journey, allowing me to combine my passion for law with a commitment to social justice

Presently in my fourth year of law school, I am steadfast in my resolve to take the Bar Examinations next year, propelled by the invaluable lessons, opportunities, and unwavering support bestowed upon me by the GAPASCA family.

The depth of my gratitude knows no bounds. Each achievement, each milestone, bears the mark of your guidance, encouragement, and generosity. My experiences within the GAPASCA community have shaped me profoundly, and I eagerly anticipate the day when I can pay forward the kindness and support I have received.

Though separated by time and distance, I carry the memories of my GAPASCA family close to my heart, cherishing the bond forged through shared experiences and mutual support. I miss my GAPASCA family dearly and hold each of you close to my heart.

May you all remain safe, healthy, and continue to be a beacon of hope and inspiration to others, just as you have been to me.

With deepest gratitude and warmest regards,


Proud GAPASCA Scholar

I am writing to thank you for your generosity by means of GAPASCA Scholarship Program. We, the scholars are all truly blessed to have you, for being able to help our family in pursuing our study in college.

I don’t know what word I would say to show how thankful I am of having you. So let me share a story with you. “I have this one friend who is a student assistant in our school (being a student assistant, gives her a 100% discount in miscellaneous fee, but it requires her to give a certain time to work for the school, in exchange to that discount). Though it helps a lot, it is still hard for her family to pay the remaining balance, therefore they chose an installment plan. In our school, we have this what we called the Periodic Clearance Slip which will serve as a proof that we are already paid on the current period’s (it’s either prelim, midterm or finals) payment, and this will be signed by our professor before we take an exam. No Clearance, no exam. One time, my friend was not able to pay the amount she needs to be settled on that period. I saw her pleading our professor to give her an exam, but it still doesn’t work at all.” It made me realized how lucky I am that I was able to take an exam on time and I can go to our class freely, all of these are because of you.

Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH GAPASCA! Your generosity was allowed me to get closer on my dreams, and you serve as an inspiration for me to strive harder and give back to the community, soon.

Mabuhay po! God blessed!

Mary-Lyn Cabig
​Baliuag University

​October 9, 2019